What do companies look for in a communications professional?

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It is obvious that not all companies look for the same thing when deciding to employ a communications professional. Some, still, believe that with a technical profile and a good address book in the world of media, it’s in the bag. Others, many in my opinion, have no idea what they need, have not defined with clarity a specific description of their tasks and responsibilities and what is worse, they do not know where to locate it in the chart: dependent on marketing, perhaps HR, and in a few cases, on general management.

In our humble opinion and after years of experience, companies need authentic experts in communication with consolidated management skills, capable of understanding well an organization, its core business, with the ability to lead, take decisions, with authority, influence and sufficient creativity to adapt themselves to the innovation, which is demanded of us in these changing times. This week, El País published a chronicle summary of an event regarding the impact of the digital transformation of enterprises on employment with devastating conclusions: “Companies that are leading the fourth industrial revolution are seeking talent that does not exist in the market.” Together with experience and the training in communication, the managerial skills and digital skills open a new world of possibilities for communications professionals in companies. But the question that remains is whether university, business schools and companies themselves are willing to bet on a leap towards a future that is already present.

  1. Management of complexity – the ability to define and measure the success of a complex strategies which involve resources, affect different areas and/or have a level of high-risk
  2. Versatility – the ability to give responses from different perspectives, guaranteeing results and ensuring that value is added to the organization
  3. Resolution – the ability to take impactful decisions within your environment and claim responsibility of them. Knowing when you ought to oppose and/or scale problems and difficulties
  4. Work in a team – The skill to develop, maintain and utilize an extensive network of efficient relations within and outside the organization
  5. Communication/Influence – The ability to express oneself effectively in extremely difficult situations or before complicated audiences, both internal and external. Be a part of influential networks as much online as offline.
  6. Leadership – The ability to manage teams, fostering motivation, high level of performance and professional development. Authority to convince the committee of the direction that has Communications strategy value
  7. Innovation/ Creativity – The skill to propose changes to products, services and methodologies of work. Identify tendencies in the communications level nationally and internationally, which shall be relevant to business.


Qué buscan las empresas en un profesional de la comunicación

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