Farewell to an intense 2023

My memory is starting to fade, maybe. But if I had to say which year of these almost 25 years as a communications entrepreneur has been the most intense, I would say – without any doubt – 2023; On the verge of the last days of December, yes, I confirm it: 2023 has been a […]

News diet to avoid succumbing to bad news

malas noticias

This post is based on a personal experience; I have a Muslim friend who, in the face of the continuing terrible news of the massacre in Gaza, told me with tears in her eyes that she could not take it anymore; She was genuinely shocked and distressed by what was happening, although there was nothing […]

The importance of online brand reputation: How do online reviews affect it?

reputación de marca online

In the digital age, where everything is just a click away, your online brand reputation is like that ‘Marvel superhero suit’ of the virtual world. And one of the most powerful layers of this suit is reviews. From Google Reviews to social media comments, every word written about your brand can have a significant impact. […]

The essence of corporate communication

la esencia de la comunicación corporativa

Let’s not fool ourselves. Corporate communication has been around for decades, but every time, in better or worse ways, it resonates as a key and essential element for the success of organizations. it’s another thing if we want to see it that way. As a communications professional with more than 30 years of experience, I […]

Política de cookies

Política de cookies En la web agenciacomma.com utilizamos cookies para facilitar la relación de los visitantes con nuestro contenido y para permitir elaborar estadísticas sobre el tráfico que recibimos. ¿Qué son las cookies? Se denominan cookies a unos pequeños archivos que se instalan en la memoria del dispositivo de navegación utilizado por cada visitante de […]

Política de privacidad

Política de privacidad Esta Política de privacidad será aplicable siempre que realices cualquier actividad en la página web www.agenciacomma.com donde se recopilen Datos de carácter personal, tales como: Navegar por la página web con las cookies habilitadas. Enviar una consulta o reclamación. Publicar un comentario en un artículo del blog de agenciacomma.com Registrarse como suscriptor […]

Aviso legal

Aviso legal En cumplimiento con el deber de información dispuesto en la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y el Comercio Electrónico (LSSI-CE) de 11 de julio, se facilitan a continuación los siguientes datos de información general de esta página web web: La titularidad de la página web es de SAB […]

Agencia comma

We have been passionate about our profession for more than 24 years. We mix curiosity and professionalism in equal parts, and we are committed to efficiency and ethics. Maybe that’s why we are happy people who make people happy. Let’s eat children. Let’s eat, children. Everything communicates. The power of communication ‘Having power’ and ‘being […]

How to turn a marketing content into an excellent journalistic article

Linda Seger tears out the pages of her world-renowned How to turn a good script into an excellent script pointing out that “to write an excellent script it is not enough to have a good idea, nor is it enough to put it down on paper (…) if you write, you will have to rewrite”. […]

The untapped potential of branding and communication in Web 3

The first branding analysis of the ten world’s most recognised centralised cryptoasset exchange platforms has just been launched, by The Relevance House. This is a quantitative study on the brand narratives of exchanges of cryptos and constitutes the first such research in the emerging digital assets and the Web 3. Comma has invited me to […]
